You'll be very surprised to learn which firm is number one in the nation for the huge millennial generation. You might guess Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon or even Buzzfeed. They're in the top ten, but none of the usual standbys are #1. Facebook is not even in the top 25.
The National Society of High School Scholars partnered with Hanover Research on the survey. They surveyed over 13,000 students and young professionals between the ages of 15 and 32. The goal was to understand the preferences and attitudes of "high achieving millennials." It's no surprise that career interests are heavily focused on science, technology, engineering and math...
The survey also revealed that in addition to STEM career interests, millennials maintained significant interest in business and arts, entertainment and the media.
3M Corporation
The top firm for millenials? 3M corporation bumped Google out of the preferred workplace. Having consulted for years with 3M all over the nation and also in Latin America, I'm not at all surprised. 3M has notable sustainability projects, a highly diverse employee base (racial, religious, etc., including, for example, a gay caucus that dates back to the 1980s when I was doing executive coaching at the firm) a terrific amount of training and an absolutely superb leadership development program comparable to GE's famed programs. But most of all, 3M makes it possible for its employees to spend 15% of their time projects of their own choosing.