“Hold your fire,”
“bumble,” “muddle along,” and “don’t be in a hurry to make that decision” is
choice terminology. Or, negatively, as in Maureen Dowd’s commentary, dither:
“Amateur hour started when Obama dithered on Syria and failed to explain
the stakes there.” Any number of commentators have fired off missiles about
Obama’s dithering on Syria and all the trouble it gets us into. Maybe, maybe
Of course, knowledgeable readers are well aware that dithering, hesitating and being undecided, drives journalists nuts. They’re paid to get the news out and when a politician is holding his fire, they’ve got no news to write about. So dithering becomes an expletive readily applied to slow decision makers. Take it all with a grain of salt.
Dithering can be a highly useful personal strategy.
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