Devoting relentless attention to doing one good thing after another--however small--is the only path I know to becoming and remaining a great boss.
--Bob Sutton, PhD, from Good Boss, Bad Boss
As a rule great bosses, like great employees are not people who continually meet one huge objective after another in great leaps and bounds. Instead, as Sutton makes very clear, relentless attention to doing one good thing after another remains the key performance attribute of the best achievers.
What's true in Sutton's observation is true about all learning. Many think it's important to go after huge objectives. But the research shows that it won't work. It's a fact that I address in an earlier blog, Why small changes work and big changes don't. Successful changes, like successful managing, take place in small chunks resulting in small wins, which over the long-time result in large successes as a result of the multiplier effect.