Traditionalists always roll over in disbelief at this information, but here it is once more. A study of federal workers shows that "Money's Nice, but a Good Boss Is Better." Traditionalists refuse to look at research and they're always certain that pay is the key factor. All the surveys indicate that out of ten issues for measuring employee satisfaction at an organization, compensation is typically number seven or eight in importance.
Today's Washington Post article revealed that studies of numerous federal agencies found an important consistency: "federal workers value strong leadership and straight answers from their bosses more than even pay and benefits." It's no different in private and publicly held companies.
Top ranking of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was achieved because senior management takes the time to listen to their staff. Once again the distinctives between agencies was not monetary, but the willingness to share information, and the training and opportunities it provides for its workers.
John Palguta, VP of policy for the research group summarized the challenges for government managers as, "communicate, cmmunicate, communicate. It's like real estate."
Do you really think that the issues in American business differ?