Whatever your political leaning, leftie or rightie, Democrat or Republican, there's one thing you'll have to admit about William F. Buckley and William J. Clinton. The Bills don't have a boring bone in their bodies. Some of you have read and heard all you'll ever want to know about Bill J., from white stained dress to . . . well, who knows? And for Bill Buckley, the lasting impression is not quite as clear, except for that brilliant vocabulary and snobbish accent that reveled us on Firing LIne.
Indeed, you may not know what absolutely fascinating, charismatic and complicated creatures William F. Buckley and his beautiful wife were. The opportunity has arrived, and Matt Bai in his usual inciteful, tell-all is making the most of the situation--a review of son, Christopher Buckley's about to be published book on his father and mother.
Check out Matt Bai's NY Times take on that fascinating family, the Buckleys.